How Many Eggs Do Budgies Lay? (4-8 Eggs Or More?)

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When the breeding period starts for a budgie, you as an owner may start wondering about a lot of things. Among those, one of your primary concerns can be how many eggs do budgies lay and what’s the average count.

In this article, I will tell you how many eggs a female budgie lays. Moreover, I also discuss the incubation period, nesting behavior, and how to make the best environment for your budgie during breeding. So, keep reading.

How Many Eggs Do Budgies Lay At Once?

Budgies can lay 4 to 8 eggs at once, taking one day’s gap between each egg. They will nest 2 to 3 times a year. However, the clutch size may vary. For example, the first-time breeders will lay only 2 to 3 eggs.

Again, budgies can lay just one egg at a clutch. This occurs when the gravid birds suffer from malnutrition, and there is insufficient food for the chicks. However, the opposite can also happen.

Sometimes, a pregnant budgie might lay a clutch consisting of 10 eggs. Though normal, depositing large clutches frequently can harm the bird’s health.

How Many Times Do Budgies Lay Eggs In A Year?

Budgie lays eggs 2 to 3 times a year. The nesting frequency depends on how many times you breed the pairs. The mating process is stressful for the female budgies. Hence, experts suggest forcing the birds to lay eggs more than twice can harm their physical and mental health.

Ideally, the budgies should take 3 to 6 months off after nesting once. They need this break to rebuild their body and fulfill their nutritional requirements.

So, remove the nesting box after a clutch is successfully hatched. Budgies keep laying eggs (fertile or infertile) if a suitable nest is available.

How Many Eggs Do Budgies Lay First Time?

When your budgie breeds for the very first time, the clutch size is usually smaller. The bird lays less than 4 eggs in a clutch. Sure, the average clutch size (4 to 8 eggs) is possible for first-time breeders, but it depends on the gravid budgerigar’s hormone and maturity.

For the first clutches, budgies might refuse to sit on the eggs. This is because they are confused about the eggs. Do not force the bird to nest. Instead, remove the box and breed the pair after 6 months. You will get the average clutch size the second time, and the budgies will hatch the eggs naturally.

How Do Budgies Lay Eggs?

How Many Eggs Do Budgies Lay

Budgies have an exciting way of laying eggs. About 8 to 10 days after mating, they start laying eggs. Interestingly, female budgies lay one egg per day, but not every day.

This pattern continues for about two weeks until they have laid about 4 to 8 eggs. Each egg’s size is about 1.3 cm wide and 1.9 cm long. Typically, it takes about 18 days for a budgie egg to hatch, which is the incubation period.

Moreover, the best temperature for incubating these eggs is between 99 and 102 degrees Fahrenheit. Budgies prefer to lay their eggs in nests, and it’s essential to give them a suitable nesting box where they feel secure to lay eggs.

Can Budgies Lay 10 Eggs?

Surprisingly, a hen budgie can lay 10 eggs. On average, budgies deposit 4 to 8 eggs for a clutch. However, according to reports, it is not abnormal for a mature budgie to lay 8 eggs at once.

Budgies are opportunistic breeders. When the environment favors the budgies, they might lay more than 8 eggs.

However, the only concern here is whether the budgie can handle too many hatchlings at once. I do not recommend moving fertile eggs if you have another nest due to the hatch. You can later transfer the babies to other cage setups once they are hatched.

How Far Apart Do Budgies Lay Eggs?

Budgies can not deposit the entire clutch at once. Instead, the mothers take one or two days’ break before laying their next egg. Generally, it takes 8 to 10 days (sometimes even more) for a gravid budgie to deposit 4 to 8 eggs.

Breeding, especially nesting, is stressful and physically tiring for female budgies. So, they take breaks during nesting.

However, just because a budgie is not sitting on the clutch, do not assume it is done. Usually, budgies join the incubation process once they lay 3 to 4 eggs. After that, they do not leave the clutch alone.

How Long Do Budgie’s Eggs Take To Hatch?

It takes 18 to 21 days for the budgie eggs to hatch. However, the chicks might take a little longer to come out of the eggshells. Actually, the eggs start growing only after the parents sit on them.

Sometimes, female budgies show no interest in hatching until they lay the second or third egg. In these scenarios, the hatching time will be delayed.

Hopefully, you will see the chicks out within 23 days. If the babies are not out, the chances are that the clutch is infertile. If this is the case, the parents themselves throw out the eggs or feast on them.

Which Month Do Budgies Lay Eggs?

An article on WikiHow mentions that the budgie’s breeding season lasts from October to March. During this time of year, a little pour-down occurs in all regions, and natural food sources for wild budgies become prevalent.

Therefore, the birds can consume a balanced diet and gain energy to participate in mating and nesting. Usually, the breeding season of budgies ends with heavy rainfall.

The nesting season of these birds might vary. For example, in Australia, budgies mate all around the year. If they have insufficient resources, they migrate to areas with rainfall and settle for breeding. Generally, the females lay their eggs within 2 weeks of a successful mating.

What Are The Signs Of Budgie Egg Hatching?

The freshly deposited budgie eggs will have red vein vessels running throughout the surface. This is the first sign that the clutch is hatching.

Once the eggs are 4 to 5 days old, use a flashlight to candle them. If you notice an oval-shaped embryo inside the egg, it is definitely hatching. Soon, the embryo will take the outline of a tiny bird. Catching movements within the eggs also indicates that the babies will come out.

The clutch is ruined if you notice a blood ring on the eggs or an embryo outline without veins. You can no longer hatch them.

Do Budgies Lay Eggs Every Time They Mate?

How Many Eggs Do Budgies Lay

Mating in budgies does not always result in egg deposition. For starters, budgies often mate with the same genders (both males and females). You can not expect budgies to lay fertile eggs in these scenarios.

Secondly, owners often need to remember to offer the budgies enough privacy. Keeping an eye on the mating scenario will only stress the pair out. Hence, they can neither mate nor nest successfully.

To breed your budgerigars, determine their genders first and put a pair of male and female together. Provide them with enough privacy and a balanced diet. It will improve the female’s chances of getting pregnant and laying fertile eggs.

Do Budgies Lay Eggs Without Mating?

Yes, budgies can lay eggs without mating or any male presence around. According to Mickaboo’s article, such clutches are infertile, meaning no chicks will come out even when you incubate the eggs.

Experts point out three reasons for a budgie’s egg deposition without mating that includes:

  • Exposure to light for longer hours.
  • Vocalization of other birds.
  • And proper feeding.

These three factors signal female budgies that spring is here and trigger egg production in their ovaries.

The budgerigars may be done with egg formation, but they find no mating partner to fertilize the eggs. In that case, the birds will release the unfertilized clutch.

Why Does My Budgie Lay Only One Egg?

Budgies often settle for a smaller clutch size of one egg when their physique and environment are not favorable.

What I found from the Lafeber Company is that female budgies must have a balanced diet rich in protein and calcium before they mate with males. This is because the clutch shells are made of calcium, and the yolk is high in protein. If the mother budgies do not have sufficient minerals in their system, they can not produce more eggs.

This smaller clutch size issue is more common when you breed your budgies more often. In such cases, the chances are high that the eggs will be infertile.

Do Budgies Lay Eggs Without A Nest?

Budgies can lay eggs without a nesting box. Generally, the birds look for privacy when depositing clutches. If the female budgies do not get a comfortable spot to nest, they will release the eggs on the cage floor. As a result, the eggs might get broken.

Therefore, you should provide the gravid budgies with a nesting box. The nesting enclosure bottom should be layered with soft materials like untreated shredded wood, chipped bark, or wood shavings.

It seems that nesting boxes promote mating and nesting behavior in budgies. If you make a nest accessible to these birds, they will keep depositing eggs.

What Happens After A Budgie Lays An Egg?

The egg deposition takes almost two weeks, and the chicks come out after 18 to 21 days. Mother budgies guard the nest 24/7 during the hatching period.

Once the babies are out, remove the nesting box from the cage to stop immediate mating and nesting. The mom budgies need to heal and rebuild their energy.

Hence, you should focus on feeding the female budges a balanced diet. Pellets, seed mix, leafy green vegetables, and fruits make the ideal meal. Moreover, they require boiled eggs, eggshells, and packaged dried egg items. Increase the meal portion as the mothers also have to feed the babies.

Do Budgies Have To Sit On Their Eggs?

Budgies have to sit on their eggs to hatch them naturally. Ideally, an avian egg must be exposed to a certain temperature for a specific time to develop normally.

The same rule applies to budgies. For them, the temperature is 36.8C, and the expected hatching period is 18 to 21 days.

The budgie mothers create this required temperature by sitting on their clutches. They use their bare abdominal skin (brood patch) to provide warmth to their eggs.

Generally, the females sit in the clutches all day. However, sometimes, the mothers do not sit in the nest until they lay the second or third egg. This behavior is completely normal.

Do Male Budgies Sit On Eggs?

Male budgies do sit on eggs. When the female budgies forage, the males assist the eggs and help their partners incubate the chicks.

Females are most likely to nest while the males forage and feed their mates. The males turn protective in this period and aggressively attack any nearby threats.

Can I Touch Budgie Eggs?

You can touch the budgie eggs, but it is not recommended. When you handle the clutch, the eggs might lose their original smell. As a result, the mother budgie can refuse to hatch the egg and throw it outside.

The newly laid clutches are sensitive. When handling, you can pass bacteria and germs to the chicks via the porous shell. It will kill the yolk, ruining the entire clutch. Therefore, avoid touching the eggs as much as possible.

But yes, you might want to move the clutch or check their fertility. In such cases, wear gloves and be careful about each egg’s orientation.

What Do You Feed Budgies When They Lay Eggs?

How Many Eggs Do Budgies Lay

A gravid budgie requires a special diet to support its body and pass nutrients to its eggs. A seed-based diet is highly discouraged. Seeds lack the necessary protein, vitamins, and minerals, and the birds might suffer from malnutrition.

Lafeber Company suggests a meal consisting of seeds, pellets, green leaves, vegetables, and fruits for the gravid budgies. Seed mix with spinach, carrot, broccoli, and apple make an excellent meal. However, you should keep changing the menu so that the mothers do not get bored.

When nesting, the budgerigars enjoy an egg-based diet. Their favorite meals are boiled eggs with crushed shells or packaged dried egg items.

Why Is Female Budgie Breaking Her Eggs?

Female budgies might break their eggs if the cage is overcrowded. Ideally, you must put only a male-female pair in the cage during the breeding season.

If you put more than one couple in the cage, the privacy is ruined. The rivalry in the cage will push the females to destroy their own eggs.

Another reason is that females seem to love the taste of their eggs. So, breaking and feasting on the clutch becomes a habit. Sometimes, a nutritionally deprived budgie also enjoys the eggs.

How Can You Take Care of an Eggs Laying Budgie?

Taking care of a laying budgie can result in them laying more eggs for the two weeks. Ensure a better environment and condition for your laying budgie in the following way:

  • Create a comfortable and spacious nesting environment for your bird with 6x6x12 size dimensions.
  • Keep the nesting box somewhere quiet area where the temperature stays between 65 and 75 °F. Because this temperature is ideal for breeding.
  • Provide your budgies with the necessary diet of calcium-rich food such as broccoli, dark leafy greens, and cuttlefish bone which I mentioned above.
  • Ensure that the budgies have enough time and space to take rest as it can help them relax.
  • Always keep an eye on the budgies in their laying period but don’t intervene too much.
  • At any sign of difficulty for your budgie, make sure to contact your vet.

Keeping these things in mind will help you to maintain a better condition for your budgie to lay eggs. The eggs stay safe and you end up with some healthy budgie babies afterwards.

Budgie Info